Ontario County 9-1-1 Center

Be prepared when disaster strikes

Community alerts on your cell phone or email


If you have previously signed up, please sign-in to your Hyper-Reach account HERE

Please be sure that you choose the correct street address so that any Emergency Alerts affecting only your immediate area will reach you

Registering the additional information below with the Community Alerts option will allow your cellular phone, email, and/or TDD to be notified for local emergencies and community alerts as well.

Hyper-Reach will automatically call all landline numbers. You need to sign up for any cell number.

Let's find your address
Tell Us About Yourself
Tell Us How To Reach You *

Choose voice, text or email, then tell us the number or email address to use.

Please be sure to include contact info for all members of your household below.

Type Phone Number / Email Community Alerts

Your data is safe with us.